A Textbook of Padartha Vijnana Evam Ayurveda Itihas
₹325 ₹228
Authors : Dr. Shubha and Dr. Ravi Rao
50 in stock
In the first year of study of Ayurveda, the students usually have a confused outlook on the subjects. Padartha Vijnaana becomes a tough subject as they have no previous outlook on the aspects studied with many times problems with the language. Hence it is the need of the time to have a concise book dealing with the basics of the subject. Thus emboldened by many, this book has been compiled for the purpose of the study based on the present syllabus points. The Sanskrit name – Padartha Vijnaana is a composite term consisting of two terms- Padartha and Vijnaana. Padartha has been said as a ‘category’. It is said to have existence or anything that could be understood. With respect to Ayurveda, Padartha concentrates on a Dravya (substance) – Guna (property) and Karma (action). These have the influence of Saamaanya (generality/similarity) -Vishesha (speciality/dissimilarity) and Samavaaya (inherence). Vijnaanam means special knowledge. This special knowledge is attained through the Pramaanas (the instruments of knowledge).
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