Unfolded Secrecies of Sushruta Samhita
₹350 ₹245
Author : Dr. Mahesh Kumar Chaudhari
50 in stock
When one reads the book, one knows every page of this book renders you satisfying answers & one’s doubts & misunderstandings are certainly cleared up. The points illustrated & elucidated herein the book holds a great significance in the field of surgery in Sushruta Samhita. Even though Sushruta is well- known in the world as a Father of Surgery, one can not perform successful surgical operations on the table due to lack of adequate anatomical literature, lack of anaesthesia, lack of emergency drugs & such other shortcomings & drawbacks. It is true on the practical ground. On this ground, a class of scholars condemn & hate surgical information in Sushruta. Vaidya. Dr Mahesh Chaudhari in this book gives clarifications, which are satisfactory. Readers are earnestly requested to peep into the book & get satisfied and dispel off their prejudices. Vaidya. Dr Mahesh Chaudhari lays stress particularly on the point that- even if Sushruta Samhita is not a mere surgical volume, it comprises all the knowledge of other subjects concerned & connected with surgery. Yoga, Sankhya, Vaisheshik, embriology, Psychology, Pathology, Dravya-Guna Shastra, Naturopathy & all other sciences are related with “SHAREER” (Anatomy) in Sushruta Samhita, where, how & to what extent they are connected at we find in this book. Therefore, Sushruta Shareer seems short in comparison to modern anatomy. Most of these points are elucidated by the author & they have been neglected probably by modern commentators & the critics. The writer has particularly touched & elucidated those points which are missed by so many other scholars, critics & commentators. If this book is not only read but digested properly the reader would get a complete idea of Sushruta Samhita. All these highlighted points here, are not merely useful for the curious people but are advisable for those who are preparing for the master & Doctorate degree in Ayurveda.
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