

From gastric acidity to gastric acidity symptoms

The food we eat goes into our stomach through the esophagus. The gastric glands in your stomach create acid, which is necessary to digest the food. When the gastric glands create more acid than needed for the digestion process, you can feel a burning sensation below the breastbone. This condition is commonly known as gastric acidity.

Gastric acidity, also called acid reflux, is a condition that is characterized by heartburn that is felt around the lower chest area. It is a common condition that occurs when stomach acid flows back up into the food pipe.

The most common acidity symptom is a burning sensation in the chest or pain. While most people suffer in pain, they do not realize that poor lifestyle choices are the primary reason behind gastric acidity.

When gastric acidity symptoms occur more than twice a week, your doctor may diagnose you with Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. Chronic gastric acidity is an acidity symptom which cannot be ignored  as thismay lead to serious risks that include:

  • Esophagus damage:Esophagus is the tube that connects your mouth to your stomach and when acid moves back up and enters the esophagus, it sets the stage for esophageal ulcers, oesophagitis, esophageal strictures, and Barrett’s Oesophagus.
  • Esophagus cancer: There is an increased risk of esophagus cancer, which is more likely if you have a history of the condition in the family.
  • Cavities/tooth decay:Acid reflux can wear down the enamel of your teeth and lead to cavities.



Causes of Gastric Acidity

Gastric acidity is caused due to excess production of acid in the stomach by the gastric glands. Factors that cause gastric acidity include:

1. Unhealthy Eating Habits

  • Skipping meals or eating at irregular times
  • Eating just before sleeping
  • Overeating
  • Consumption of spicy food
  • High intake of table salt
  • Diet low in dietary fibre


2. Excessive Consumption of Certain Food

  • Drinks such as tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, soft drinks
  • Extremely spicy food
  • Fat rich food such as pizza, doughnuts, and fried food


3. Side-effects of Certain Temporary Medications as Well as Existing Medications.

It includes medications such as

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Medicines for high blood pressure
  • Antibiotics
  • Depression and anxiety medications


4. Stomach Disorders

Stomach disorders such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, tumors, peptic ulcers, among others.


5. Other Gastric Acidity Causes include:

  • Consumption of non-vegetarian food
  • Excessive stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Frequent smoking
  • Lack of physical exercise
  • Frequent consumption of alcohol

People who suffer from medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, and connective tissue disorder are more prone to acidity. It is also a common problem in people who are obese, pregnant women, or women who are nearing menopause.



acidity symptoms

Gastric Acidity Symptoms

Gastric acidity symptoms differ from one person to another. Most things that contribute to gas also lead to acidity meaning gas and acidity symptoms are almost similar.

While the most common acid reflux symptoms are chest pain and burning sensation below the breastbone, there are other symptoms that are uncommon.

Gastric Acidity symptoms include the following:

  • Burning sensation and pain in the stomach
  • Burning sensation and pain in the throat
  • Difficulty swallowing or the sensation of food being stuck in your throat
  • Frequent burping or hiccups, for no apparent reason
  • Burning sensation and pain in the chest
  • Regurgitation: Prolonged sour taste in the mouth or bitter-tasting acid that backs up into your throat and mouth
  • Post-meal heaviness
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Indigestion
  • Bad breath
  • Restlessness


Hyperacidity Symptoms Include:

  • Heartburn: Persistent pain or discomfort that moves from your stomach to your chest and sometimes even up to your throat.
  • Chronic discomfort in the upper abdomen
  • Bloody or black stool, often accompanied by bloody vomiting
  • Wheezing, dry cough, hoarseness, or chronic sore throat
  • Weight loss for no apparent reason

While gastric acidity symptoms in the chest are most times diagnosed as acidity, it is always recommended to consult our doctor if the gastric acidity symptoms are persistent.

Your doctor will diagnose either by taking an X-ray of the esophagus and the stomach or with an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and suggest treatment.


How to Treat Gastric Acidity?

Thankfully, acid reflux is a condition that’s quite easy to control. That said, it does require a combination of medication and lifestyle changes. Let’s discuss this a little more in-depth.


1. Medication

There are several over-the-counter medications available for the treatment of gastric acidity. And while this may work in the short run, we recommend consulting a doctor at Pratha Ayurveda and creating a long-term plan of action based on the conditions underlying causes.


2. Sleeping time and position

Maintaining a gap of at least 2-3 hours between your mealtime and sleep time is important. It allows food to digest properly and prevent avoid reflux.

Believe it or not, the height and angle of your bed could actually impact your gastric acidity. This is because you are more prone to developing acid reflux when your stomach is in the same line as your esophagus. To prevent this, raise the head of the mattress by 10 cm – 20 cm by placing a few rolled-up towels at one end of it.


3. Try to lose weight

As touched upon before, obesity could cause severe acidity. Hence, it’s important you take the necessary steps required to prevent it. Start by exercising at least 4 times a week and try to avoid deep-fried, fatty, & relatively unhealthy food by replacing it with a good amount of fiber, protein, and healthy fats.


4. Visit a nutritionist

If you experience heartburn on a regular basis, it is probably a good idea to consult one of our doctors. They will give you a better understanding of the food that triggers you and will help you create a well-rounded diet plan suited to your personal requirements. Diet modifications will not only help in keeping acidity under control but also will help in healthy weight loss over a period of time.


Acidity Treatment

When you visit your healthcare provider, your symptoms are considered to determine whether you have acidity or if it is a complication of some other serious problem This is based on your condition and the depth of the acid reflux problem,

  • You will be prescribed an antacid that contains aluminum, calcium, or magnesium
  • Your doctor may also suggest the use of histamine blocking agents (H2 receptor blockers) such as cimetidine, nizatidine, ranitidine, and famotidine
  • If the condition is severe, they may prescribe proton pump inhibitors
  • If the condition is extremely severe, your doctor may suggest Vagotomy surgery that helps to reduce the production of acid in the stomach.

Your healthcare provider may suggest certain do’s and don’ts based on your health, which can help you control acidity.


15 Easy Home Remedies for Acidity

Acidity can be frustrating and can have a debilitating effect on your social life. Simple home remedies not only provide quick relief in acidity problems but can also cure them completely.

1. Cold Milk

Drinking cold milk provides great relief in acidity. Milk is rich in calcium and prevents acid buildup in the stomach.


2. Coconut Water

Coconut water is rich in electrolytes, which in turn balance out the excessive acid production.


3. Black Cumin Seeds

Directly chew some cumin seeds or boil 1 teaspoon of them in a glass of water and drink. Black cumin seeds prevent acidity and its symptoms like heartburns, nausea, bloating, constipation, etc.


4. Fennel or Saunf

Have one teaspoon of fennel powder with a glass of warm water for instant relief from acidity and heartburn. Fennel also improves digestion and prevents gas and bloating.


5. Lukewarm Water

Drink lukewarm water on an empty stomach in the morning and at bedtime. It boosts digestion. Subsequently, this helps relieve acidity and its symptoms.


6. Cardamom

Chew one cardamom every day to get rid of acidity, indigestion, and gastric problems.


7. Watermelon Juice

Drink a glass of watermelon juice daily for instant relief from acidity and heartburn.


8. Buttermilk

Buttermilk is rich in lactic acid that soothes the stomach and normalizes acidity. Drink a glass of buttermilk with a pinch of black pepper and coriander for instant relief in acidity.


9. Ginger

Chewing a piece of raw ginger or drinking ginger tea helps prevent acidity and its symptoms. It also improves digestion.


10. Cloves

Put a piece of clove in your mouth and swallow its juices. Clove helps to relieve acidity, gastric irritability, indigestion, and nausea.


11. Banana

Banana neutralizes acidity and soothes the stomach. Consume milk and banana together to prevent acidity.


12. Papaya

Papaya consists of an enzyme called papain that reduces gastric acid secretion and gives relief from acidity.


13. Ajwain

Ajwain is an effective anti-acidic agent. It relieves acidity and improves digestion.


14. Turmeric

Turmeric is a magic spice. It works wonders for our bodies. It also helps relieve acidity and boosts digestion.


15. Jaggery

Jaggery is great for digestion. So, it can provide instant relief in acidity. It also reduces heartburn and soothes the throat or chest area. Therefore, eating a small piece of jaggery post your meal may help you soothe acid reflux problems.

How to Avoid Getting Acidity?

Mild cases of acid reflux can usually be prevented by adopting a few lifestyle changes. For example:

  1. Avoid lying down for three hours after a meal.
    2. Eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day.
    3. Wear loose-fitting clothing to avoid pressure on your abdomen.
    4. Lose excess weight.
    5. Quit smoking.
    6. Raise the head of your bed six to eight inches by placing wooden blocks under your bed posts. Bed risers are another option for doing this.

Several types of food can cause acid reflux and heartburn. Pay close attention to how you feel after eating different foods. Your triggers may include:

  1. fatty or fried foods
    2. alcohol
    3. coffee
    4. carbonated beverages, such as soda
    5. chocolate
    6. garlic
    7. onions
    8. citrus fruits
    9. peppermint
    10. spearmint
    11. tomato sauce

If you experience acid reflux or heartburn after eating certain foods, take steps to avoid them


Ayurvedic Treatment for Acid Reflux

According to Ayurveda, the main cause of this condition is the worsening of the Pitta Dosha (the fire element) in your body.  Let’s have a look at some of the dos and don’ts of Ayurvedic remedies for hyperacidity or acid reflux problems. Here we discuss common ayurvedic remedies or medicines for acidity problems.


Cause of Hyper Acidity

  1. Having foods that don’t match your constitution or which aren’t supposed to be had like milkand salt or milk and fish.
  2. Extremely spicy and sour beverages and foods.
  3. White flour products.
  4. Products made from white sugar.
  5. Smoking.
  6. Excessive intake of coffeeand tea.
  7. Having food even though you may be suffering from indigestion.
  8. Controlling the urge to urinate or pass stool.
  9. Prolonged exposure to heat and the sun.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Hyperacidity ( Acidity)

Ayurveda promises some easy home treatments for acidity which are quite efficient in ensuring fast recovery for you. You can use any of these listed Ayurvedic treatments if you suffer from hyperacidity reflux.

  1. Indian gooseberry:This is an Indian fruit that is loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. This ayurvedic remedy helps in reducing pitta, which is fiery in nature as per Ayurveda and is characterized by excessive heat. Elevated pitta is responsible for acid reflux. Taking gooseberry is easy, as it can be eaten raw or taken in the form of juice. It can also be included in a few recipes.
  2. Cuminseeds:  Get this Ayurveda treatment for acid reflux. You can reduce cumin seeds to their powder form, then you have to add half a spoon of it to water; presumably, one liter. Then, keep the solution boiling then filter it. You will have to make sure that you drink this solution instead of normal water. Take this water-based solution everyday till recovery. This is quite an effective remedy for hyperacidity.
  3. Mulethi(liquorice) and honey: You can reduce liquorice root to powder, then to half a spoon of this powder add little honey to form a paste. Lick to consume this paste twice daily after meals. Liquorice neutralizes the acids quickly to give relief.
  4. White pumpkin juice: Take white pumpkin peel and slice it and make a pulpy juice out of it. Half a cup twice daily gives fast recovery from gastritisand acidity. Alternatively, you may eat sweet made of pumpkin.
  5. Aniseed: Also known as saunf, you can chew them raw and slowly swallow with water for quick relief from acidity.
  6. Jeera: Jeera consumed with warm ghee and then mixed with ricetends to be very good for acidity as well. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult an Ayurveda and ask a free question.
  7. Mint leaves: Mint reduces acid production and cools the burning sensation in your stomach. Chop and boil some mint leaves; then drink the cooled solution for relief.
  8. Tulsi: Tulsi is an ayurvedic remedy for hyperacidity, Tulsi boosts mucus production in the stomach and has antiulcer properties. To ease your discomfort, chew on 5-6 tulsi leaves.
  9. CardamomElaichi, or cardamom, is a multi-purpose remedy. It stimulates digestion, reduces stomach spasms, soothes the stomach lining, and prevents excessive acid production. Just crush two pods of elaichi in boiling water and drink it for quick results.
  10. ClovesCloves boost saliva production, which helps in digestion and reducing the symptoms of acidity. For relieving acidity, just bite a piece of clove and keep it in your mouth. The oils released from the clove will reduce acidity within no time.
  11. Ginger:  Use thisayurvedic cure for acid reflux, for that use ginger, it improves digestion and helps absorb and assimilate essential nutrients better. It also protects your stomach from ulcers by boosting mucus secretion, which reduces the damage to the stomach lining caused by acid.
  12. Buttermilk: You can take half a glass of buttermilk and add a pinch of each asafetida and turmericto it. With it, also take care to add a tiny amount of fenugreek and drink it at night, to make the most of its benefits.
  13. Jaggery: This ayurvedic remedy for acid reflux, you can try for the boiled ash gourd with jaggery. This relieves the burning sensation in the stomach to a considerable extent.
  14. Bananas: In Ayurveda,  potassium content in ripe bananas helps in eliminating sudden bouts of acidity. Bananas also aid in relieving constipation problems and cause a healthy bowel movement.
  15. Cold milk: The richness of calcium in milk aids in reducing acid problems and absorbing the acid which has already been produced. It helps in providing instant relief from the burning sensation owing to its coldness.


How Ayurveda Improve Digestive Power?

The exacerbated Pitta worsens your digestive fire, causing your food to be not properly digested as well as influence the production of ama (toxins). When ama builds up in your various digestive channels, it brings about the problem of hyperacidity reflux.

Ayurveda treatment focuses on calming down the irritated Pitta Dosha lead to acid reflux. For this, certain ayurvedic herbs are used to get rid of the toxins that block these channels. This automatically improves your digestive fire, bringing about better digestion.

Gastric juices are liquids found in the stomach. They contain numerous compounds, including hydrochloric acid (HCl), pepsin, lipase, mucin, intrinsic factor, peptides, nucleic acids and electrolytes[1]. Additionally, they may also contain salivary constituents due to swallowing, bile due to gastroduodenal reflux and inflammatory mediators or blood from damaged gastric walls[2]. In their normal state, gastric juices are usually clear in color.


What are our doctors at Pratha Ayurveda’s approach towards patients coming to us with issues related to gastric and acidity and looking for permanent solutions for them?

Advantages of going in for a consultation with one of our doctors

  • The complete consultation is done on a telephone call or a video call as per the requirement.
  • You get to select your doctor, the time preferable to you and the date you are comfortable with.
  • One of the biggest advantage is you need not go places to get to the doctor of your choice. Stay put at your location and reap the benefits of digital health.
  • Its just you and the doctor. Not only this ensures complete privacy but the doctor can focus on what you have to share with complete attention and without any kind of outside disturbance.
  • Because of absence of any kind of formalities followed in physical consultations, an online telephonic consultation means the doctor effectively spends more time with you on the consultation.
  • You make the payment online in the most preferred mode to you.
  • The prescription reaching you is not just written post consultation after a well thought options but is cross checked by senior doctors at Pratha Ayurveda. So technically you have more than 1 doctor looking into your case.
  • If getting the medicines is an issue for you locally, Pratha Ayurveda ensures the medicines are shipped as quickly as possible.

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